Saturday 5 April 2014

3 Reasons Why You Should Have A Blog


A couple of friends and acquaintances have asked me why I have a blog. Most of them were serious about the question so I answered with modesty, "It's my outlet to express myself and to release my emotions." Surprisingly, the last thing I would hear from them is a silent "Aah."

I never knew (and don't want to find out) what their expression meant. I taught myself recently not to judge other people on their facial expressions or awkward responses. Over-analysis and reading other people's mind is a complete waste of time.

Upon self-examination, I found out these 3 cool benefits of having a blog and why you should have one too. While the initial plan is to monetize my blog, it has changed and dropped it down as a bonus.

3 Benefits of Blogging

1. Writing a blog is a therapy

I don't know with you but since I've started this "blog", I'm amazed with great things that happen to me unexpectedly. And I seriously love it!

Every time I share a post, all the tensions and burden in mind are released, leaving me feel calm and happy. I truly agree that sharing is caring, not only to others but (unknowingly) yourself. Ultimately, you receive a tremendous blessing that you can't find somewhere else - happiness.

2. It improves your communication skills

I don't have an English or a Literature degree but I don't mind the handicap. The way I learned English back in primary and college were sufficient for me to communicate well verbally or literary.

Writing a blog sharpens the edge of my communication skills. Aside from the joy of learning intricate words, it is the enthusiasm of using it that satiates the ultimate learning. "Reading" is bread while "blogging" is the butter. While one can live without the other, there is really nothing better than having both. 

3. It feels darn good to be appreciated

Setting aside hypocrisy, it is inherent in human beings to be appreciated for the warm things done to other people. Their gratitude, affection and sympathy are priceless. A simple thanks from someone who appreciates what you did is uplifting. However, not to a point of idolatry or obsession. There's only one person who deserves such - Him.

You might want to check out my new post on How to Start your own FREE Blog

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