Monday 27 July 2015

WHY do I need financial planning


As a young professional today, you would like to change the status of your finances but you don’t know how. You have million thoughts on how to let your finances be revived again this year but you think it will be better to start next year. If you don’t have any idea where to start, I challenge you to do the something today or else you won’t improve. I am guaranteeing you that once you follow this program, give yourself an average of  10-15 years and am sure you will be able to reach the wealth that you need. It is not a quick rich scheme so you won’t be a scam. 

Knowing is half of the battle. Do this routinely and you will understand more of your behavior towards your finances. You should plan and don’t think average. Get a piece of paper or download a worksheet that has the following then compile and evaluate it weekly.

Start with why you are doing this?
If you can’t tell me your compelling reason then you can’t sustain everything below. Imagine yourself that you are going to have a diet plan for the next 30 days but during the 2nd day you don’t have the energy and willingness to follow the most powerful plan, like why you need to deprive yourself with your favorite food. Everything will fall apart, you are wasting your time, effort and energy with the planning stage if that won’t be put into action. Your compelling reason why you need to do that should not be yourself. Remember when you think about yourself as the end goal, you are thinking too small. You don’t want to think average like anybody. Poor people think about themselves all the time. Authentic Rich individuals think about opportunities how to help other people and that’s who you are and how you should be wired. 

When you start with Why, the How and what will follow.

Example of BIG WHY
·         To make sure I can be financially free and pass this legacy to my family.
·         To be an excellent steward when it comes to finances.
·         To support nonprofit organization and help campus missionaries.

1.       Budget   
This is the starting point of financial planning. You will fail with investing when you don’t know where your money goes. That means you will be running out of gas in the middle of a freeway if you don’t check your gas tank first. But I got good news for you. There is hope. Knowing how much you got so you can maximize what you have is the goal of continuous budgeting. Doing your budget for the first time might overwhelm you because there are so many things you need to include in a minimum amount. Remember that taking actions to your plan will solve the current and future financial issues that you will have. When you’re lazy to do your budget you won’t be able to finish the construction of your dream house. Managing your funds is a skill needs to polish.

2.     Emergency fund
Whenever I got my salary I put that directly into my emergency funds. The rule is simple if your needs expense per month is 10,000 then multiple it by 6. This is a very simple principle. Save for the storms of life (illness, accident, change tires or when you lose your job). Learn to prioritize this.  Do this early as possible so you can move to the next level which saving for your wants. Caution: don’t ever use credit card as emergency funds and you will dig your own graveyard (bankruptcy). 

3.       Saving goals
You need to at least give yourself  3 compelling reasons why you are saving funds or else you won’t stand a chance when laziness  struck you every time you got your salary.  Your goal is to learn during the journey, this is not about the end destination. When you focus in excellence, sacrifice and faith things will start change. Behavior will follow. Chances are you will hit your goal in a repetitive manner. Savings are for your extra needs and wants. Put 20% in the bank when you immediately get your income make sure that you already got emergency funds first. 

4.       Debt plan
Please don’t ever go to investment without paying your debt first which earns a higher interest rate. Your debt plan should include how much you need to pay for every single cent and when you will be debt free. The plan is you need to stick to it no matter what happened.  When you put it in paper you can see the big picture.  The reason why you don’t want to be debt free is very simple; you think everyone is in debt so you think you are in the zone.  Live like no one else so you can live like no one elsesays Dave Ramsey. Debt snowball is a really good strategy, you pay the debts that you can eradicate first and as you get the momentum it will be very hard for you to break it.

5.       Estate plan
You are accumulating a lot of assets now and your investment is off the chart. Estate planning is not only for the rich kids, it is for everyone that you love. Your legacy to your family is important even when you depart; no one will plan for your family so take responsibility for yourself. Be selfless and take time to check your current assets over liabilities. Remember that you don’t want to add up to the inconvenience of your family members once you evaporate from this world.   

6.       Insurance coverage
You are priceless but you need to identify how much you bring on a table. If you were able to identify that you are worth  7 million then get that coverage as long as the computation is correct. There is computation from the insurance industry like multiply your yearly gross income to 10. The computation might not be as accurate as the standard computation of today’s industry but it gave you a ballpark figure. What’s important is to get an insurance that is equivalent to you. You badly need this or else when something unexpectedly happen to you insurance company will help you and won’t let your family suffers.  If you got kids and wife but you are refusing to have insurance, you are putting too much risk financially and emotional aspects in their lives.  No one would like to see those things to happen. Be responsible.

7.       Investment
Everyone wants to get into this but many are being scammed because of poor diligence. Be careful all the time. First, list those things why you are investing,  second, you need to identify whether you got time, money and knowledge to identify the investments that you want then your risk tolerance should be define. Investing is a word that’s not just about higher ROI.  Are you an aggressive type or a conservative one? Regardless of your answer there’s no right or wrong. The purpose will give you the drive, without it you won’t last. Third, List the things that you are investing you want to achieve like education for your kids, retirement or build your dream house. Know the amount that you will be satisfied and consider to be happy.

8. Read Books, Attend seminars, join a Face book group and find a coach.
Never underestimate the value of networking and community. You should declare war against poverty, procrastination and poor mentality. Reading books will give you thought provoking ideas. Attending financial seminars like IMG conventions in Makati, Truly Rich Club, and Money summit every year can increase your network and expand your horizons. Joining Face book group will give you an all access pass with like minded people; you are welcome in contributing your thoughts. You can easily follow mentors who are expert in the financial industry that will make you more accountable with the results you are getting. All in all fresh and updated insights will give you new perspective to make you successful with no boundaries. You should revolutionize your thinking so acting upon it won’t be a struggle.

Your unique plan is totally not identical with anyone so don’t copy someone’s financial plan or strategy. How you manage your finances while you are working is a glimpse of your future financial plan during retirement. You can change your tomorrow today. With the help of our God who holds the future and your willingness to make sacrifice you are surely going to win long term.

Pictures courtesy of hubspot, the dollar business, learnvest, shutter stock, carmen marquez, imoney, img, go banking rates

David Isaiah Angway is a Financial Evangelist

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