Sunday 11 January 2015

How to start the year with your finances

Last year was a blast for me. I achieved the discipline of saving and giving consistently. Well it was good but I know this year will become better. But, how do we normally start with our finances this year if we are in a massive debt or how to practically start from the very scratch.. I got basic steps for you. This is not a quick step guide how to be a millionaire but every millionaire know this.

1. Evaluate your past year

Get a piece of paper and start by evaluating your past performances because you will confront your weakness and opportunities. Many of us don't know where they are now but they know where to go. You need to face the truth that you are currently in a bad situation or you are not progressing with your financial goals. By simply doing that you will achieve more because of awareness.

2. Read a lot and apply

The late Ernie barron said that Knowledge is power but for me without applying what you know you are useless. Many of us know that we need to do something but we are always procrastinating (ouch). Your finances is very important and you must believe that this will be resurrected this year. You need to read blogs or books, follow personal finance guru like dave ramsey, randell tiongson, suze orman or larry burkett. They taught me a lot by simply following their personal finance tips.

3. You must Pray according to His will and expect an answer

There's a lot of distraction and things that we cannot control in this life. Perhaps you might be wandering right now what to do with your finances or you don't know what to do because you are in massive credit card debt. Prayer is so powerful because you are letting God move in areas of your life. In the bible God says a lot about money. More than 2000 verses in the bible and that means God wants you to prosper all you need to do is to follow those principle that He keeps on telling you. Grab a bible start reading the works of Solomon (wisest king ever lived) the book of proverbs contains a lot of stewardship and financial management principles so might as well read it and apply.   

Start strong but end stronger. Never lose hope

If you have questions send me an email at

David Isaiah Angway is a Registered Financial Planner and a Financial Evangelist

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