Monday 18 November 2013

My updated student loan lesson

Multiple reports have been published explaining that when high school students list their preferred colleges on federal financial aid applications, that they could be used against them.

"A university concerned about its "yield" - a closely-watched measure that tracks how many accepted students actually enroll - may not extend an admission offer if the university is near the bottom of an otherwise qualified student's list, for fear the offer will be rejected.

A college at the top of a student's list, on the other hand, may not feel compelled to offer generous financial aid, since the student is seen as likely to accept without it."

The advice our guidance counselors are giving is to have our students list their top ten in alphabetical order.

I incorporate resources from the US Department of Education (FAFSA) and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau such as college search tools and key dates in the lesson.

Here is my full lesson posted online. The "Student Handout" guides the student through the lesson.

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