Friday 10 June 2016


Running Your Home

  1. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 1
    Cook (healthy) meals. Try to make healthy meals, to keep your whole family feeling their best, as well as keeping yourself healthy and strong (so you can deal with all the challenges in your day!). If you don't know how to cook, try to learn!
    • Plan ahead, with the aim to have a delicious meal on the table when anyone who needs a meal gets home. It is often said that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and it is absolutely true in many cases. Microwave meals are not always suitable cuisine, so find a recipe book you like and start experimenting.
    • Having a great meal ready is a good way to let anyone know that you have been thinking about him and are concerned about their welfare. A good meal can be an expression of love and a warm welcome for the returning household

  2. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 2
    Keep the house as clean as you can. Do your best to make your home a clean and pleasant place to live in. Having a clean house can reduce everybody's stress and make things run much smoother. Prevent the constant search for the misplaced keys and the annoying dirty-dish odor by staying on top of the household chores.
  3. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 3
    Do the laundry. Laundry is stressful and time consuming, plus leaving it around can make your home stinky! If you want to reduce your household's stress, help out by keeping the whole family's clothing clean. With some careful planning, you can easily fit it into your day. You can even get the kids to help you fold!
  4. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 4
    Have a schedule. You are like a general and your family are your troops. You have to keep everything running smoothly! Create schedules for cleaning and how you'll get through your days, in order to help everything run better. Scheduling time is a great way to make sure more gets done in your day, since you'll find yourself wasting much less time!
  5. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 5
    Wake up early. Get a head start on your day to make everything go more smoothly. Oversleeping will only make you more tired anyway. Getting up earlier will make sure you get everyone's lunches made and everyone dressed and ready to go without all the stress and scrambling to find that missing backpack. 
  6. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 6
    Create a healthy environment. Everyone in your family should come home to a healthy, empowering, uplifting environment. Do your best to make sure that everyone's spiritual and emotional needs are being met, including your own, to make your home the best home it ca
  1. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 7
    Discuss expectations with your partner. Discuss realistic expectations, and how to meet them as best as you can. Do not presume that you have the same expectations because you may find out the hard way (through arguments) that you don't. Sit down and talk it over.
    • The definition of a good housewife depends on which house you live in. It is also very culture-dependent.
    • What are the things your partner is hoping you will keep up with in the home? What are their responsibilities in the home? If you are primarily responsible for keeping the house clean, your partner may take responsibility for cleaning up after him or herself: putting dirty laundry in the hamper, putting dishes in the dishwasher, etc.
    • If you are also caring for young children or special needs children or adults during the day, you may be surprised by how difficult it is to also keep up with household tasks. Your partner may need to help significantly with the cooking and cleaning, if possible.
  2. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 8
    Maintain a respectable appearance. It is all too easy to stop paying attention to your appearance when you have are a busy housewife but maintaining attraction is a key element of a long-term relationship. While it was important to keep a good appearance during dating/courtship, it is even more important in a married relationship, or anycommitted relationship. Make sure you're bathing regularly and wearing clean clothes. This is really about showing your partner that you still respect yourself....and you should respect yourself enough to take care of yourself!
    • If your partner often tells you they like it when you wear a certain garment or outfit, by all means, take the hint.
  3. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 9
    Treat your partner as a partner, like an adult, not a child. It is important for your partner to still have control over their personal situations, like choosing their hobbies, their meals, their clothes, etc. When you are home a lot, it can be easy to want to take control of everything your partner does in the home, but this may not be their preference. It's all right if you want to give your input in a polite way, and of course fine if they asked you. Otherwise, let them have space, just as you want yours. You are two separate human beings, always remember that.
  4. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 10
    Listen. A good partner listens to what her spouse has to say without interrupting.Show empathy and learn how to have great conversations. The key idea is that to be a good conversationalist, you should strive to listen more and talk less, by engaging the other person to talk more about his interests. That is the mark of humility, respect, selflessness, and generosity.
    • This will also set a good example and they should also listen to you more!
  5. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 11
    Find a balance in arguments, but avoid them if possible. Nagging never works, and will only serve to irritate your spouse. Not speaking your mind is just as bad. Husbands are not tyrannic creatures: if you find a balance in arguments, and take turns to speak, things will surely improve. Just remember to respect each other, and things will go much better.
    • Some arguing is normal. Don't worry if this happens. You are different people and you will disagree sometimes! Just handle the arguments in a healthy way and everything will be okay.
  6. Image titled Be a Good Housewife Step 12
    Love your spouse for who he is. Don't criticize him in an nonconstructive, cruel, or nagging way. Whatever your image of the 'ideal' man may be, everyone is unique in his own ways, so try to respect that. Before you try to improve others, try to improve yourself first. If you find things disagreeable about him, let him know in a mature, sensible and loving way: chances are that he will agree on some things and/or explain others, plus it will build trust between both of you and save unnecessary conflicts.

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