Monday 8 June 2015

India Personal Finance Websites 2015

Its been a while since I discussed the many and increasing set of resources available to personal finance beginners, learners, enthusiasts, journeymen, tax-savers, investors, traders, pundits, believers and their tribesmen and kin.  Since 2011, when I first blogged about a few sites that I had come across (India Personal Finance Websites 2011), the number and variety have increased in leaps and bounds.  

Here is a small set that I am most familiar with.  Please let me know if there are others that you find interesting.  I have also included a couple of lines for each site, describing my perspective of the site. We all approach our reading material from our own personal perspective, so please regard this as my view on the site content.  Yours could be different.  The key is to keep reading, keep learning, and keep contributing

Jagoinvestor is the grand-daddy of personal finance websites in India.  Been around for a while now, and covers pretty much every financial product you can think of.  If you are looking for a quickie lesson on "8 ways to learn something" this is the place for you.  Jokes aside, a good trove of information.  The tone of the site has changed in recent times, something to do with their focus on monetizing I think.

CapitalMind covers more of macro-economic data, and is a great learning resource for those of us who are challenged in our understanding of basic financial economics.  I'd call it the financial macro-economics crash course for dummies website

MoneyControl is your standard daily highly popular news-site that mirrors the content available on their CNBC-TV18 finance news channel.  It provides up to the minute information on individual stocks, Mutual funds, breaking news and what not.  My go to place for all Indian financial news.

Subramoney is a very popular personal finance website, with tons of retail followers.  The site has been around for a while, and is packed with wonderful nuggets of wisdom delivered in a very typical cryptic style with a healthy dose of sarcasm usually!

ValueResearchOnline is the mother of all things relating to Mutual Funds in India.  I use it primarily for the technical data that it provides for the entire MF industry.  Very useful when you want to figure out historical trends, the latest MF action, and of course the all important MF ratings

MorningStar is the strong competitor to VR, and it is a matter of preference which one you use.  Both contain every imaginable piece of data you could care for regarding the Indian MF industry.  

FreeFinCal is a relative newcomer to the personal finance scene, focusing on very possible personal finance calculator you can think of, with a strong bias towards goal based investing, and DIY personal finance.  The analysis here tends to be technically sound, data driven, and usually with a conclusion that matters to most personal finance enthusiasts

SafalNiveshak is an interesting site, that delivers personal finance gyan with a value investing angle, drawing upon the wealth of information available from leading personal finance gurus in India and across the world.  You will get a great introduction to the wide world of personal finance stalwarts from Warren Buffet to interviews with modern day advisors

CafeMutual is another MF focused site, but tuned more to distributors and the MF industry, rather than retail investors.  You can still glean a ton of information regarding MFs from this site

Asan Ideas for Wealth is a personal finance facebook forum, discussing several relevant issues that confound the retail investor on a daily basis.  You can ask your query here, and you will get a large set of responses, with at least a few being right on the money in terms of financial advice. Use this forum to get guidance or at the very least several opinions before you finalize on the investment product you are considering.

StableInvestor is an up and coming personal finance site with typically good articles consisting of some data analysis and an open ended conclusion.  The site is good for newbies who are learning the ropes on the personal finance subject.

Let me know if there are any other websites that you use frequently to learn, talk and discuss about the Indian personal finance scene.

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