In such credits, your lender will keep a spare key and the pink slip of your vehicle till you pay off of the outstanding balance completely. However, if you do not make payments on time, then there are chances that the loaner takes your vehicle in return. Online car title loans provide more benefit, as you can compare quotes of various financers in no time.
How does it work?
When you are in need of urgent cash, you could keep your car papers with the lending company as collateral for the money given to you on credit till your pay off the balance in full. Your financer will lend you funds depending on the market value of the car. Initially, the amount you pay per month to the loaner will be high and gradually, as and when you make a payment, it keeps reducing. In case of non-payment, the interest will get doubled and you will be charged with late fees, which could increase your outstanding balance.
What are the conditions to have a loan?
• You must be above 18 years of age
• You should have steady source of income
• Your vehicle should be insured
• Driver license is essential
• Social security card needs to be valid
• Document of you truck, van, RVs, SUV and boats could be used to procure title loans
The benefits when compared to other loans:
• Quick money in the shortest possible time, once the application along with the documents is submitted.
• Your poor credit history does not hinder your loan application
• No other paper works are required to be verified like in the other cases
Normally, they pay one fourth of the market rate on any vehicle model. The only condition is that it should be in a good condition and should not be more than ten years old. Before finalizing the deal, your lender will verify the value of your secured assets and stability of your income. After approval, your money will be transferred in your bank account. You can drive the vehicle as usual, while paying the minimum due each month to your bank.
Points to be considered while selecting the best loan company:
• Surf through the internet and check various lender websites. Thoroughly read their terms and conditions and find out if their meet your requirements
• You have to have a valid driver’s license and an address proof
• Ask question, any that you might have to clear all your doubts
• Fill in the online form with accurate details to get your loan approved instantly. It is suggested that you go through the fine prints before submitting the form.
• Find out if there are any hidden charges, so that you are not overburdened or disappointed later
• Approach the business bureaus to check the creditability of the loaner
• Find out what the payment pattern is and how do they accept payment, is it monthly, weekly, half yearly or annually.
• Try to analyze and understand the requirements, rules and the documentation required in detail.
This is the one source that will give you access to funds in times of emergencies. Many people have benefited using this credit option, regardless of their poor credit scores. You too can take advantage of this option when you are in desperate need of cash. All you need to do is contact a car title loan office in Atlanta, GA or in your city and initiate the procedure. You can do it online in a matter of minutes.
Samuels Martin has been writing a lot of guest posts on topics related to finance. He has also written on how you can easily procure title loans in order to cope up with immediate pressing expenses.
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