- Have a financial record. This can be as easy as having a sheet of paper in your desk where you can keep track of your income streams and expenses. Write down how much you’ll have coming in during the month and what you have going out. This will keep you prepared and aware of what you have at your disposal. Once you have this knowledge you’ll know what you can afford when it comes to the weekend. Too bad the weekends start on Wednesdays. Good luck.
- Keep your receipts. This sounds tedious but it’s important in case you’re ever overcharged. You can’t afford a company’s mistakes. If you’re overcharged you’ll have the receipt to recoup your lost money.
- Spend money only on what you need. If you went to the store for a twelve-pack then don’t come out with a case and a bottle of wine. Only buy what you absolutely intended on buying. You never know when a parking ticket will appear on your windshield or when you’ll need a new set of tires. Always be prepared for a hidden expense.
- Consider your options. Go to a local bank near your school and speak with a financial services representative about the different programs they have specifically geared to college students. Most banks will have some system in place for college students and are great ways to get introduced to the real world.
- Pay your bills on time. The last thing you need are late fees and other expenses associated with not paying your bills on time. Stay current with your credit card bill as the interest alone can clean you out later on down the road. If you stay up to date with your bills there will be no out-of-the-blue fees.
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