Saturday 14 March 2015

The Rise Of The Robo-Advisor

Come with me if you want to be financially well-off says Robo Advisor

When I was young, I had an affinity with zodiacs. It faded as I grew up, but upon entering college, I found psychology very interesting. I think zodiacs and psychology have something in common because both act as a gateway to understanding myself as a person. Early in life, I needed zodiacs to tell me I was a certain kind of person. Later in life, I still didn't know who I was and was looking to comfort myself and I thought maybe psychology would give me the ability to understand myself.

For many aspects of life, we might need to understand ourselves and hence gain a sense of control.With technological advancements though, some may be eliminated such as the case for driving with the advancements in the self-driving cars. Giving up control is hard, but under certain circumstances, everyone can learn to let go and it helps when a computer does the driving for you.

With money, there are certain things that can be automated because we have too many weaknesses that makes us go against our very own interest. We are our own enemy. That's where robo-advisors come in. The robo-advisors will advise (and some act) in our own best interest. Take it a step further by also acting like a robot through automating actions to stay on track toward goals.

And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak.
4. Surat An-Nisā' (The Women; 28)
Some of the awesome technological advance in money management are Simple Bank, Personal Capital, and Riskalyze. There are plenty and things will be much more easier for future generations. The future is bright...

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